Bermuda offers visitors the opportunity to observe and interact with a variety of wildlife, with everything from a wide variety of birds in the sky to extraordinary marine life awaiting your arrival.
One of the island’s newest wildlife viewing opportunities comes courtesy of the much more unassuming butterfly, with Brighton Nurseries in Devonshire providing visitors with the ability to observe the island’s only endemic species, the Bermuda Buckeye Butterfly, up close and personal at their Butterfly House.
The Butterfly House is run by a local plant nursery that, while not aimed specifically at curious visitors, welcomes them with open arms when it comes to butterfly viewing.
The Bermuda Buckeye Butterfly is a particularly beautiful species of the flying insect, sporting light olive-brown colouring that can be found on no other butterfly anywhere else in the world.
The Butterfly House opened in April 2014, and is open to the public on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, with viewing by appointment also available for visitors who find themselves on a tight schedule. Entry is free.
It is located in Devonshire parish, which is in the central part of the island. For more information about the Butterfly House, please contact Brighton Nurseries by telephone at 441-236-5862.
For a listing of Bermuda attractions focused on wildlife and animals click here, and for information on the many activities to take part in while visiting Bermuda, click here.