If staying at our of our larger hotels doesn’t suit the type of vacation plans, you’ll be glad to know that the island also plays host to a long list of beautiful guest houses, each of them providing unique accommodations and locales, helping to give your stay on the island a truly Bermudian feel.
Aunt Nea’s Inn at Hillcrest
1 Neas Alley
St. George’s GE 05
P.O. Box GE 96,
St. George’s Parish, GE BX
Telephone: 441-297-1630
Fax: 441-297-1908
Email: frontdesk@auntneas.com
Blue Horizons
93 South Road
Warwick WK 10
Telephone: 441-236-4383
Fax: 441-236-9151
Email: bluehorizons@northrock.bm
Brightside Apartments
38 North Shore Road Flatts Village
Hamilton Parish FL 04
P.O. Box FL 319,
Smith’s Parish, FL BX
Telephone: 441-292-8410
Fax: 441-295-6968
Email: brightside@link.bm
Burch’s Guest Apartments
110 North Shore Road
Devonshire, FL 03
Telephone: 441-292-5746
Telephone [Toll-Free]: 1-800-637-4116
Fax: 441-295-3794
Email: bur@bspl.bm
Clairfont Apartments
6 Warwickshire Road
Warwick WK 02
P.O. Box WK 85,
Warwick Parish, WK BX
Telephone: 441-238-3577
Fax: 441-238-3503
Email: clairfont@logic.bm
ClearView Suites & Villas
5 Sandy Lane
Hamilton Parish, CR 02
Telephone: 441-293-0484
Telephone 2: 441-293-0267
Email: clearview@northrock.bm
Dawkins Manor
29 St. Michael’s Road
Paget PG 04
P.O. Box PG 34,
Paget Parish, PG BX
Telephone: 441-236-7419
Fax: 441-236-7088
Email: info@dawkinsmanorhotel.com
Edgehill Manor Guest House
36 Rosemont Avenue
Pembroke HM 06
P.O. Box HM 1048
Pembroke Parish, HM EX
Telephone: 441-295-7124
Fax: 441-295-3850
Email: edgehill@logic.bm
Garden House
4 Middle Road, Somerset Bridge
Sandys SB 01
Telephone: 441-234-1435
Fax: 441-234-3006
Granaway Guest House & Cottage
1 Longford Road
Warwick WK 06
P.O. Box WK 533, Warwick Parish, WK BX
Telephone: 441-236-3747
Fax: 441-236-3749
Email: carol@granaway.com
Grape Bay Cottages
36 Grape Bay Drive
Paget PG06
P.O. Box HM 316, Hamilton HM BX
Telephone: 441-236-2515
Email: grapebaycottages@northrock.bm
Greenbank Guesthouse & Cottages
17 Salt Kettle Road
Paget PG 01
P.O. Box PG 201, Paget Parish, PG BX
Telephone: 441-236-3615
Fax: 441-236-2427
Email: greenbank@logic.bm
Greene’s Guest House
71 Middle Road
Southampton SB 04
P.O. Box SN 395
Southampton Parish, SN BX
Telephone: 441-238-0834
Telephone 2: 441-238-2532
Fax: 441-238-8980
Email: greenesguesthouse@yahoo.com
Little Pomander Guest House
16 Pomander Road
Paget PG 05
P.O. Box HM 384,
Pembroke Parish, HM BX
Telephone: 441-236-7635
Fax: 441-236-8332
Email: litpomander@cwbda.bm
Mazarine by the Sea
91 North Shore Road
Pembroke HM 13
P.O. Box HM 2417
Pembroke Parish, HM JX
Tel: 441-292-1690
Fax: 441-292-6891
Email: mazarinebythesea@logic.bm
Oxford House
20 Woodbourne Avenue
Pembroke HM 08
Telephone: 441-295-0503
Telephone [Toll-Free]: 1-800-548-7758
Fax: 441-295-0250
Email: oxfordhouse@logic.bm
Paraquet Guest Apartments
72 South Road
Paget PG 04
P.O. Box PG 173, Paget Parish, PG BX
Telephone: 441-236-5842
Telephone 2: 441-236-1665
Email: info@paraquetapartments.com
Robin’s Nest
10 Vale Close
Pembroke HM 04
Telephone: 441-292-4347
Telephone [Toll-Free]: 1-800-637-4116
Fax: 441-296-5500
Email: robinsnest@cwbda.bm
41 Rosemont Avenue
Pembroke HM 08
P.O. Box HM 37, Pembroke Parish, HM AX
Telephone: 441-292-1055
Telephone [U.S. Toll-Free]: 1-800-367-0040
Telephone [Canada Toll-Free]: 1-800-267-0040
Fax: 441-295-3913
Email: rosemont@ibl.bm
Sandpiper Apartments
1 Sandy Mount Lane
Warwick WK 10
P.O. Box HM 685, Hamilton HM CX
Telephone: 441-236-7093
Telephone [Toll-Free]: 1-800-637-4116
Fax: 441-236-3898
Email: sandpiper@ibl.bm
Salt Kettle House
10 Salt Kettle Road
Paget PG 01
Telephone: 441-236-0407
Fax: 441-236-8639
Email: info@saltkettlehouse.com
Sound View Cottages
9 Bow Lane
Southampton SN 04
Telephone: 441-238-0064
Email: elbar@northrock.bm
Valley Cottages & Apartments
2 Simons Lane
Paget PG 02
P.O. Box PG 214, Paget Parish PG BX
Telephone: 441-236-0628
Fax: 441-236-3895
Email: rsimons@northrock.bm