Life-size painted sculptures of a therapy horse will be auctioned off at a fundraising event, and the ‘Tilly’s Fillies’ are now on display at the Washington Mall in the City of Hamilton.
Tilly, a miniature pony, died in November last year, and the fibre-glass sculptures have been painted and decorated by local artists and WindReach participants, with the highly artistic creations showcasing a number of themes.
Tilly’s Filly Fundraiser will be held at WindReach on Friday, April 29, with all funds raised supporting the facility’s educational and therapeutic programmes.
Tina Nash, the WindReach executive director, previously told Bernews, “We were devasted to lose Tilly last year. We are so grateful to all the artists for creating a legacy for her. We look forward to residents and visitors enjoying these special embellished sculptures and generously supporting the auction on April 29. We also invite the public to use #WindReachBermuda when taking pictures and posting them to social media.”
Tickets to the fundraiser are $25 per person, including registration for the auction. For enquiries and entry sales, email or call 505-7878. To donate, visit