With Bermuda Day quickly approaching, a new website – BDADay.com – has been launched featuring more than 5,000 photos, videos and pages celebrating Bermuda Day events and celebrations both past and present.
This website covers the holiday in extensive detail through more than 150 videos, almost 5,000 photos, an array of free social media covers and phone wallpapers, and also information on the history of the Bermuda Day Holiday and past race results.
An animated look at some of the video section on BDADay.com

While nowhere near as exciting as the Bermudian tradition of ‘marking your spot’ and camping out to watch the always popular parade, the new BDADay.com website does offer the opportunity to virtually celebrate, and watch hours of videos of past parades and races, and scroll through thousands of photos from past holidays.
The holiday archive currently contains more than 200 pages spanning various aspects of Bermuda Day, including its history, road and cycling races, parades, school events, and more, and it is a work in progress; we will continue to improve it as time passes.
An animated look at some of the photo gallery section on BDADay.com
The launch of BDADay.com follows after the launch of BernewsCupMatch.com, with the island’s two major holidays now having full websites dedicated to them in order to help Bermudians virtually celebrate, as well as record the fun, festivities, and history for generations to come.
Both websites — created in-house by the Bernews Network — are works in progress, and will be expanded and improved as time passes, creating the ultimate historic archive of Bermuda’s two most iconic holidays.
A sample of some of the Bermuda Day themed phone wallpapers available on BDADay.com
BDADay.com is the latest offering from the always innovating Bernews Network, which already includes BermudaCovid.com, the most comprehensive website available covering the pandemic, BermudaElections.com which offers results and data of Bermuda general elections, BermudaCovers.com which offers hundreds of free graphics, and Bernews.TV which features over 5,000 videos spanning over a decade.
Click here to visit BDADay.com.