Somerset Cricket Club has now confirmed that they will participate in the 2021 Cup Match Classic.
A spokesperson said, “Following further dialogue with key stakeholders around previously raised concerns, Somerset Cricket Club has agreed to participate in the 2021 edition of the annual Cup Match Classic.
“Most importantly, following the initial decision, team staff and the pool of players eligible for selection collectively determined that they wish to play for the people of Bermuda.
“This admirable position taken is to be commended, noting the sacrifices that will be made by all parties over the next five weeks and notwithstanding the challenges some may have encountered over the past year.
“SCC acknowledges that Cup Match represents the history of a people, resilience through adversity and hope beyond the pandemic.
“Somerset Cricket Club wishes to thank the St. George’s Cricket Club, Cup Match fans island-wide and sponsors for their understanding as we navigated through this sensitive matter.”
The club had previously announced that they would withdraw from the Classic, however has reversed position, which means the always popular cricket match is set to take place.
The news was welcomed by Premier David Burt who tweeted, “Looking forward to wearing my Red & Blue on July 29 & 30th to Wellington Oval for Cup Match 2021! Whether Somerset win, lose or draw – I am looking forward to Emancipation Day & Mary Prince Day this year in Bermuda.”