After obtaining the prestigious Queen’s Counsel [QC] designation, Delroy Duncan — together with the other successful applicants for QC — appeared in the Lord Chief Justice’s Court at the Royal Courts of Justice in a formal ceremony before Lord Burnett Lord Chief Justice Of England and Wales and Sir Terence Etherton Master of the Rolls and Head of Civil Justice in England and Wales on March 16th.
Mr Duncan told Bernews, “The number of applicants for Queen’s Counsel in 2019 was 258. On the 16th of January 2020, Lord Chancellor Robert Buckland announced that 114 candidates were successful.
“The appointment ceremony took place on Monday the 16th March 2020 at Westminster Hall London. The successful applicants attended the ceremony at Westminster Hall on the morning of the 16th March 2020. The ceremony was presided over by the Lord Chancellor who handed me my Letters Patent under seal from Her Majesty the Queen.
“In the afternoon of the 16th March, I together with the other successful applicants appeared in the Lord Chief Justice’s Court at the Royal Courts of Justice in a formal ceremony before Lord Burnett Lord Chief Justice Of England and Wales and Sir Terence Etherton Master of the Rolls and Head of Civil Justice in England and Wales.
“The courtroom was packed with family and friends of the appointed Queen’s Counsel together with spectating London counsel and Queen’s Counsel. Sir Terence Etherton formally invited me to the court in the ceremony transitioning me from counsel to Queen’s Counsel.”